Shooting Our Shot — wnbafinals

Shooting Our Shot w/ WNBA Forward Cheyenne Parker

Pilot Penny

Commentaires 2 Balises basketball, Cheyenne Parker, igmodel, ncaa, sports, wnba, wnbafinals

Shooting Our Shot w/ WNBA Forward Cheyenne Parker

    Pilot Penny: Hello Cheyenne its such a pleasure to speak with you. Ive been waiting a while to interview with you. Any updates you would like to share with your fans about your current activities? A little something about yourself. Cheyenne Parker: So I’m currently in South Korea, first time, been here since September, and it has been the toughest time of my life. It really made me question how much I really love this game. We workout more than anywhere I ever been, we run sooooo much. It has truly molded me into an amazing athlete. I’ve...